
Thursday, December 3, 2015

A New Direction

The new direction I've been thinking about was prompted by several things.  The first and most significant was the loss of my mother in July.  There is really no way at all for me to explain how completely amazing and singularly incredible my mother was.  She was warm and funny and knowledgeable about so many things.  She was an expertly gifted chef, seamstress, gardener, crafter, teacher, to name just a few.  She was my best friend, greatest cheerleader, favorite person and my ultimate hero.  As a child raised during the Great Depression, she grew up in an atmosphere that fostered thrift, creativity and the necessity of making all that you can out of what you have and she excelled at this in every possible way.  She lived and modeled this throughout my life and beyond that...she taught me how fun and personally satisfying this way of life can be.

May 2015

The skills she taught me have served me well in my chosen career, as a wife, homemaker and mother of 4 on an extremely limited budget.  I know I'll never be able to do or do as well all of the things my mom made look so easy but I enjoy the challenge and I get a lot of personal satisfaction out of finding creative ways to make all that I can out of what I have.

Just before Mom died I started formulating an idea that I was very excited about and looked forward to sharing with her along the way.  She would have been an incredible resource and better than anyone else, would have understood the thrill of bringing it all together.  I never got the chance to tell her about it.  Her death took me away from home for a month and put the project on hold.  While it has moved forward has a long way to go.  It will be a bittersweet journey and one that I will want to share with her at every turn.  Instead, I will share it here with all of you and hope that you will appreciate all that my incredible mom brought to my world.

I'll intersperse other projects and other ideas for making the most out of what you have, as well.  Hopefully you will find some useful ideas and inspiration mixed in with the failures, mistakes and comedic moments that are sure to come.

Thank you for visiting and welcome to My Creative Life!

31 Day Blog Writing Challenge


My poor, sad, neglected blog has been needing attention for quite a while so I've decided to take on a challenge ( 31 Day Blog Writing Challenge) created by one of my arty friends, Cheryl Sleboda, who I admire greatly.
Posting something here everyday will be a huge challenge for me, especially during the holiday season but I've had some ideas for either a new direction for this blog or a separate blog altogether and I'm hoping this challenge will keep me accountable and help me hone my ideas for the blog.

     Anyway...I hope some of you will follow along and enjoy this challenge with me.

Thanks, Cheryl!  You rock in so many ways!

Stay tuned!