
Monday, July 4, 2011

ArtTrader Magazine

I absolutely adore ArtTrader Magazine.  Its so beautifully put together.  The articles are so interesting, the pictures are fabulous and I learn something new every time I read it.

I never, ever would have had the guts to submit one of my cards to the magazine.  I just wouldnt.  I look at the fabulous art in there and think "no way...mine is nothing compared to this".  So I was completely blown away and tickled 3 shades of pink when they contacted me and said they wanted to feature one of my cards in the next issue!  Me!  Can you believe it?  Well, of course, I said "heck yes"!

Getting that request...having them take notice of something I had done and find it worthy of their magazine...amazing.  I'm still walking on air.  It also gave me the courage, finally, to submit something so I entered a contest they were having.  Summer Hats was the theme and the winner would be announced in the same edition as my card.  So I came up with a couple of cards before I lost my nerve and sent them in.

Guess what?  Runner Up!!  I was the Runner Up!!  Can you believe it?  I didnt think it could get any better or that I could float any higher but here I the stratosphere telling you that nothing has ever done more to boost my dreams to a higher level than this. 

I doubt myself so much.  I know God wants more for me.  I know this is the path He has set before me.  He's practically spelled it out in neon for me and yet I still doubt.  I still resist.  I pray that I can take this boost and let it lift me up to the next level.  I pray that I wont slide back into self doubt and that I can really take that leap of faith that I know God wants for me.  His will and not mine.  His time and not mine.  His strength and not mine.  Through Him all things are truly possible.  Even for little ole me!

Here are the cards...

or better yet...check out ArtTrader Magazine...a free, online magazine with oodles of delicious eye candy!!


  1. Love the hats cards! They are awesome!
    Congrats on being the runner-up. You'll never know if you never tried. Good on you.
